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Creating powerful new habits is the key to achieving peak physical fitness and the body you have always dreamed of.


Whether your goal is to have a well build, sexy, slim and trim body or you want to simply loose a few unwanted kilos, the right strategy and plan is essential to achieving long lasting sustainable results.

We offer a range of programs to help you take out the guess work and accelerate your success. You can choose from one of our engaging and interactive programs or if you need an extra bit of motivation you can book in for zoom consult with our head coach Josh and if you qualify he will personally coach and guide you through the process and hold you accountable to your pre determined goals and outcomes.

Choose what level of care and attention you will need to help you reach your maximum potential.

Our most popular program "12 Week Total Body Turnaround - Sculpt Your Body, Transform Your Life" - has helped hundreds of people take back control and revitalise their life.


What our clients say about us



 "I never thought I could transform my body like this! Thanks to the Adonis Program, I feel stronger, leaner, and more confident than ever before.

 I've lost weight, gained muscle, and discovered new levels of what I can achieve."



"I'm a new person thanks to this program! Not only did I shed pounds and inches, but I also gained an incredible amount of self-belief. The Adonis Program rocks!"

I've achieved what I once thought was impossible. Program guided me step by step to reach my fitness goals, and the feeling of accomplishment is priceless."



P&NE’s Coaching Program reshaped not only my body but my entire outlook on health and wellness."

Josh taught me the importance of consistency and self-care. What I learned guided me towards a healthier lifestyle that I'll cherish forever."


Josh F

"I thought I had tried it all until I found Josh. He introduced me to The 12 Week Adonis Program. This completely transformed my body in ways I never imagined possible."



"I love my own progress. This program pushed me beyond my limits and showed me how strong I truly am. These 12 weeks are a true testament to unlocking maximum potential.



 " I've emerged from the 12 week Adonis Coaching Program a fitness enthusiast and a true believer in the possibilities of transformation. Before starting the program, I harboured doubts about my ability to commit to such an intense regimen.

However, those doubts quickly transformed into awe as I witnessed the gradual evolution of my physique and mind over the course of those 12 weeks.

 I didn't just lose weight and gain muscle; I gained a profound sense of discipline and a renewed drive to conquer any obstacle that comes my way. The beauty of this program lies not only in its ability to sculpt the body but in its capacity to reshape one's entire outlook. I am deeply grateful."


Pieter E

"I used to dread workouts, but now I can't wait to hit the gym. The 12 Week Adonis Program made exercise fun and rewarding, and the results are beyond amazing!"



What can I say.. The best team to be part - Thanks Mel and Josh for your fantastic guidance.. I enjoy every session (although at the time I might say other wise)lLOL. I love that every week brings something new and exciting.. The term no pain no gain is certainly present at EVERY session with you guys! Seeing results is priceless, thanks for pushing me and supporting me outside of hours. I'm truly grateful, I love being part of P&NE family. Thank you!



 "My journey from flab to fab happened in just 12 weeks with this program. I've turned my life around, and I owe it all to the Adonis Program."

I used to struggle with sticking to a fitness routine, but this program kept me motivated and excited every step of the way. It was hard and challenging but that’s I needed to create a break through!”



The time + effort they put into each client for them to achieve their individual goals is remarkable. I achieved so much pre-wedding (there was even mention of them in our speeches) and I continued working with them until 27 weeks pregnant. Now post baby I'm so excited to get back on board with them. They inspire their clients each + everyday. Trainers turned into beautiful friends.



"Embarking on the Adonis Program was a decision that forever altered the course of my fitness journey.

To say that the transformation I underwent was incredible would be an understatement. From the moment I started, the program's holistic approach to fitness captivated me.

Not only did I shed unwanted pounds and inches, but I also discovered a newfound strength within me that extended far beyond the gym. Each workout was a testament to my determination and willpower, and the sense of accomplishment I felt after completing each session fuelled my motivation like never before. The 12 weeks weren't just about physical change; they were a profound shift in mindset. I now walk taller, prouder, and more self-assured, a testament to the power of the 12 Week Total Body Turnaround Program." – Big thanks to the Josh the head coach at P&NE!!”



"This program doesn't just focus on physical changes; it transforms your mindset too. I now believe in my potential.

I've never felt this strong and empowered in my entire life. This 12 week program not only sculpted my body but also sculpted my confidence!" - I feel like the Adonis!”

I can't thank P&NE enough. It pushed me to my limits and showed me what I'm truly capable of achieving. This Program is a game-changer!"